Local Government

Untapped talent helps alleviate the workforce crisis for government agencies

Governments can fill many technical and analytical roles with help from neurodivergent individuals.

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Neurodivergent employees are the answer to your workforce challenges providing analytical, results-driven skillsets

This article was first published by the Center for Digital Government. CAI's Anthony Pacilio was interviewed for his expertise in CAI Neurodiverse Solutions and neurodiversity employment programs for state and local governments.

Government agencies are facing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining employees due to competition against large private companies. Anthony Pacilio, Vice President, Neurodiverse Solutions at CAI, describes a proven, fully managed model for neurodiversity employment designed to bring an untapped source of talent into the workforce for government agencies. In the right roles and with the right support, neurodivergent employees can make significant and meaningful contributions to any government agency, and in return, gain confidence and independence.

If your agency is interested in working with CAI Neurodiverse Solutions, complete the form below to arrange a meeting.

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