Law enforcement works smarter with CAI

CAI helps State police agency streamline officer certification process.

CAI manages technology services for businesses


A state police agency with more than 4,700 sworn members and 1,850 civilians works to constantly enhance the professional credentials of its workforce and build a top-notch law enforcement organization. Criminal Investigation and support services occupy approximately one-third of the total on-duty time of the police agency while the remaining time is devoted to traffic enforcement and other public safety services.

The agency needed to replace the antiquated training records system it used to approve, deny, re-certify, or de-certify municipal police officers, instructors, school directors, schools, and academies. This is important administrative work of the agency’s officer training commission, which was struggling with the significant manual labor required because the system no longer had sufficient maintenance support and could not handle future business processes. Because employees did not have a comprehensive view of the status on pending certifications, continuing education, and instructors, it could not allocate work appropriately or efficiently.


The training commission turned to CAI to develop and maintain a web-based training and certification system that would streamline the work and ease the burden on agency employees.


CAI developed and implemented a web-based training and certification system for both the officer training commission and the lethal weapons unit that leverages the basic capability of the legacy system with far greater functionality. The new training and certification system integrates data from the legacy training records system, allows for online application submittal and credit card processing, captures student grades, and automates officer and agent certification or recertification.

The new system provides the state police transparency of the certification processes, giving employees an “inbox” type view that allows them to efficiently allocate work to their team for remediation. Now they can see every certification for each officer, potential officer, and educator, as well current status on individual class loads and grades. The system has essentially eliminated errors and cut processing time by 70 percent. By streamlining these processes along with correspondence and payment, the agency has seen a 70 percent increase in productivity.

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