CAI ServiceNow platform: One-stop-shop for all Service Desk needs
A Pennsylvania-based firm helps healthcare companies build transformational solutions to grow their business and improve their patients’ lives. It wanted to improve the customer experience at its service desk, which was struggling to adapt quickly enough to respond to its clients’ ever-changing hardware and application environments.
The company turned to CAI to provide a solution for level 1 service desk support and achieve a first-level resolution rate (FLR) of at least 70 percent of incoming incidents. CAI delivered a ServiceNow solution for level 1 service desk support focused on improving customer experience and fast incident resolution. The ServiceNow platform supports and tracks end-to-end tickets for the client’s off-the-shelf software, hardware, and custom client-specific applications.
The CAI solution means the company has a service desk that can receive and respond to inquiries via phone, email, web service, and voicemail. CAI also provides a dedicated toll-free number and automated call distribution technology that provides voicemail and menu options that can route calls to the CAI service desk. When necessary, CAI’s level 1 service desk escalates incidents and requests for appropriate second or third-level support. The service desk achieves a 78 percent FLR, nearly 10 percent higher than the industry average. Since the majority of the end-user community is field-based and constantly on the go, a high FLR means employees can quickly get back to their jobs and spend less time on technical issues.
Service Desk
We work with enterprises to build the right staffing model for their needs, whether it is a dedicated on-site group or a shared team located in our Delaware Valley office.