Improving customer experience with strategic enterprise modernization

As customer expectations change, and often rise, the pressure to provide a positive experience is high. With strategic enterprise modernization, you have the time and resources to shift focus to customer experience.

Recently, we published an article outlining the principles of strategic enterprise modernization (SEM), a holistic, long-term strategy and mindset for optimizing your organization’s culture, processes, and tools for the future. We explored the ways you can achieve SEM, the impact your organization will feel as a result, and how to get started. But what happens after that?

You're on the path to modernizing your business with strategic enterprise modernization efforts. You're aligning tools and process and evolving your culture to accommodate these shifts. Employees are already moving faster; time has been freed up for innovation. So, what's next? How do you harness the resulting potential, and what are the outcomes you can expect?

Harnessing your organization’s potential

As customer expectations change, and often rise, the pressure to provide a positive experience is high. With SEM, you have the time and resources to shift focus to customer experience (CX). The following are just a few of the many ways your organization can leverage SEM to improve CX.

Use artificial intelligence (AI) to augment your teams

Today’s customer is constantly plugged into various communication channels, and businesses are too. As business needs grow, so do the tasks that must be completed—but as your organization gets busier with a higher volume of tasks and workflows, CX can suffer as a result. You can look to AI to augment your teams and automate processes, giving you more time to focus on the client.

For example, introducing conversational AI can make a big difference in customer experience. Where previous automated CX tools provided a confusing, often frustrating experience, AI-powered support can conduct sentiment analysis (analyze text to determine the tone of the message), answer questions, provide specific information, escalate as needed to a human representative, and more. Integrating AI can give you a competitive advantage and make your customers happier too.

Embrace new and emerging technologies faster

With employees working more efficiently and a streamlined tech stack, you’re better equipped to adopt and roll out new technology. You can identify and implement new tech and features faster, and at a larger scale more securely. And with the best tools at your disposal, your customers will feel the impact.

For example, many software companies are introducing copilot solutions to accelerate business users’ ability to deliver faster and work smarter. Copilot technologies accelerate users by generating content, compiling data from multiple systems, and offering suggestions to solve problems and answer questions quickly. By embracing SEM, you’re better able to identify, implement, and optimize solutions such as this one—giving your organization a competitive advantage and allowing you to differentiate yourself.

Focus on long-term goals

With SEM, you can shift your organization’s focus from being reactive to proactive. You can plan updates, optimizations, and better understand the long-term impact and cost of your assets. While many organizations successfully plan for the short-term, they fail to understand the longer-term considerations, leaving them playing catch up as time goes on. Constantly playing catch up can lead to increased levels of technical debt and negatively impact CX—if you incur unexpected issues or costs, you’ll spend more time solving problems than serving your customers. Long-term planning can help you anticipate and alleviate some of these issues before they happen.

Improving the employee and customer experience

By harnessing the potential of your strategic enterprise, you’ll see an impact not only on your customers, but on your employees as well.

Internally, your teams will be happier and more proactive, combatting burnout and strengthening your employee retention. Your integrated tech stack and robust suite of collaboration and productivity tools will keep your teams working to the best of their ability. Rather than navigating a frustrating, disjointed set of tools, with SEM, your employees will be able to move faster and more efficiently.

Retaining and upskilling existing employees retains institutional knowledge, helps with knowledge sharing, and saves you time and money. You’ll see increased levels of innovation and attract value-driven potential customers who prioritize employee wellbeing. And, when it is time to recruit additional talent, you’ll attract better talent when you can offer them a positive experience and exciting work. Operating under the shared goals SEM provides your organization—continuous innovation, improved customer experience, etc.—you’ll encourage a culture of connectivity, collaboration, and engagement.

Externally, your customers will have a faster and more personalized experience when interacting with your brand. With better talent and streamlined, leading technology, you can focus your efforts on meeting rising consumer expectations. A stronger, more personalized experience keeps your customers happier, boosting your brand loyalty and retention. With more loyal customers, you’ll spend less on new acquisition and can cultivate stronger, long-term relationships.

Focus on experience

The impact will be felt across the board, from employees to customers. Workflows will be faster, employees will be happier, and customers will experience a more personalized, high-touch service from your organization. This will boost brand loyalty, employee and customer retention, and it will help you to meet rising expectations. This shifts the focus away from individual elements of customer support and emphasizes the overall experience—it’s holistic, like SEM should be.

If you’re not sure where to get started, work alongside a trusted partner to assess your current state, identify your future state, and determine how to get there. CAI has a long history of uniting talent and technology to power the possible for our clients, colleagues, and communities. Contact us today to get started on your journey.

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